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AZ-NOSS Offers Two Types of Memberships: INDIVIDUAL and INSTITUTIONAL

INDIVIDUAL Membership Explanation

Individuals may join at any time during the year. Membership lasts 12 months from the date of payment.  Renewals add 12 months to the current expiration date.  Benefits include access to all publications, reduced registration fee for annual conference, and voting privileges.  There are four (4) categories of Individual Membership:

  1. Full-time Active Professional ($25): Those individuals who are actively involved full-time in post-secondary developmental studies programs or in the administration of them, or those who are otherwise interested in the purpose of AZ-NOSS;

  2. Part-Time Active Professional ($20):  Those individuals who are actively involved part-time in post-secondary developmental studies programs or in the administration of them, or those who are otherwise interested in the purpose of AZ-NOSS;

  3. Retired Professional ($20):  Those who continue to enhance post-secondary education for students in need of developmental and learning assistance or who are otherwise interested in the purpose of AZ-NOSS and who are 55 years of age or more and formally retired from their careers;

  4. Student ($20): Those who are training for or working in careers in developmental studies areas or disciplines related to the student learning processes and who are enrolled in appropriate coursework either full- or part-time.

INSTITUTIONAL Membership Explanation

Institutional Memberships begin at $25 (per person) before any discounts are applied. Institutions memberships are offered for 10, 15, 20 or 25 individuals at your campus. Institutional Memberships will enjoy a 20% reduction in dues!  Those individuals covered by an institutional membership receive all the benefits of individual members.  There are two steps to submitting an institutional membership:

  1. Click the link below to choose the number of members and generate the invoice.
  2. Complete the form linked here with the names and additoinal information requested for each member. 

Click here to join AZ-NOSS!

MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS? Contact: Gustavo Miranda,

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